How to install react-native on windows without any error -The easiest way out

How to install react-native on windows without any error -The easiest way out

What is react-native ? Why we use it

React Native is an open-source JavaScript framework, designed for building apps on multiple platforms like iOS, Android, and also web applications, utilizing the very same code base. It is based on React, and it brings all its glory to mobile app development.

Tools required before installation of react-native

  • VsCode

  • Nodejs

  • Java (openjdk)

  • Android Studio

To start with anything the first rule is going to the documentation

Step 1.Simply go and install Vscode

  • Go to the Visual Studio Code website ( and click on the "Download" button for your operating system (Windows, MacOS, or Linux)

Step 2. Installing nodejs and java using chocolatey

Chocolatey is the package manager for Windows .It automates package management, and software developers use Chocolatey because it makes package management simple. Chocolatey takes all of those and creates a simple interface to install and manage them all with one command

For installing chocolatey

  1. Open windows powershell and run as administator

  2. Now run the command

    Get-ExecutionPolicy on powershell it will give restricted,

  3. Now to change it from restricted to AllSigned use

     C:\WINDOWS\system32> Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned

    Now try to run again Get-ExecutionPolicy and now you will see AllSigned.

  4. Go to chocolatey, scroll a little bit and copy the command given below and paste it on powershell

     C:\WINDOWS\system32> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
    1. Now check if chocolatey successfully installed on your pc using

      choco --version

6. Now for installing nodejs and java run the command

  choco install -y nodejs-lts microsoft-openjdk11

Wait for sometime it will get install

  1. Check whether node is successfully installed
C:\WINDOWS\system32> node -v
  1. To check if java is installed run the below command

     C:\WINDOWS\system32> java --version

    Step 3. Install Android Studio

    • Download the latest version of Android Studio from the official website (

    • Continue by clicking next-next and then make sure to check

      • Android SDK

      • Android SDK Platform

    • After that click on Finish

    • Set Environment Variable for adb.exe

      Finally set the Environment path for adb.exe file (usually or in my case its C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools). To set the path follow the below steps

      • Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables..

      • In this Environment Variables window, in the User variables for (your-username) highlight Path and click Edit... or double**-**click on Path

      • Then from Edit environment variable screen click on New and add the above adb.exe file path and click ok.

        Set ANDROID_HOME as variable and add path of SDK

        Add path of platform tools

        To check if adb is added to the path correctly run the below command

          C:\WINDOWS\system32>adb --version

        If you have followed everything correctly what I have mentioned in the article then you should be able to execute everything without any errors.

**Congratulations🎉 on installing the react-native successfully now you are ready to run your first react-native app🤗.**

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